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Assessment Case Study - Conduct a Clinical RAThere are three tabs available within the patient’s file. Firstly, click on the ‘Patient’s notes’ tab to review the patient’s notes, then complete the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk© by clicking on the ‘Adapted Braden Scale’ tab. Lastly, click on the ‘RA Table’ tab to complete the RA table. These three tabs are accessible to you at any time during the completion of this task. Patient’s notes (text version) Mrs. Nguyen is a non-English speaking, 87 year old lady with a fractured left hip of femur. She attended theatre eight days ago and had a dynamic hip screw inserted to reduce her fractured hip. Her past history includes dementia, anxiety, ischaemic heart disease, AMI in 1981, nephrectomy for cancer in 2001, and she recently has had several falls. She lives with her daughter and is on a waiting list for several high-level care facilities. At home she occasionally walks with the aid of a pick-up frame and spends most of the day immobile in bed or in a chair. She is incontinent of urine and faeces and wears a continence pad day and night. Her skin is intact but in poor condition and marking is noted at pressure area care turns. Since admission Mrs. Nguyen has been verbally unresponsive. When moved, she will groan, otherwise is non-responsive. Nursing staff are providing oral Panadol 4/24, PRN. She requires maximum assistance in all aspects of her personal care. She does not attempt to move herself in bed. She is taking only small amounts of oral nutrition when fed by her family. She has been febrile in the past 24 hours and her most recent chest X-ray shows some left lower lobe consolidation for which she has commenced 24/24 hourly intravenous therapy and intravenous antibiotics. Clinical RA
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure
Sore Risk © (text version)
Copyright. Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988. Reprinted with permission.
Last updated:
5 February, 2013
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