Who is responsible for identifying the risks?


Everyone working in a residential aged care service has some responsibility for identifying the risk of a resident developing pressure ulcers. Your service has policies, practices and job descriptions that will explain your roles and responsibilities in identifying and assessing resident risk.

WriteRead your job description. What are your roles and responsibilities in relation to identifying residents' risk of developing pressure ulcers?

Read the pressure ulcer policy and practice materials for your service. Do the policies of your organisation include:

  • what to do when you find a resident at risk, or a resident that has a pressure area
  • when to make a report, and who to report to
  • when to notify a doctor
  • what prevention strategies you can use
  • when to tell the family
  • what training and competencies staff should have in relation to skin care
  • how often the training and competencies should be undertaken
Talk with a colleague If your organisation does not have any of these, talk to your manager, quality committee or person/s responsible for policies. Talk to a colleague if you need more information or advice about your roles and responsibilities in relation to identifying residents' risk of developing pressure ulcers.

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