Stanley at risk


Stanley loved meal times. His favourite meal was meat pie, mashed potato and peas, followed by jelly and custard. He said it reminded him of when he was a kid.

Ben noticed that Stanley had eaten very little the previous night, Monday, and was expecting him to eat all his pie and mash when it arrived on Tuesday evening. He was surprised to see Stanley pushing the food around his plate and only taking an occasional nibble. He also noticed that Stanley had a bit of a runny nose and was coughing occasionally. He spoke to the team leader, Roslyn, about Stanley’s behaviour.

Roslyn made a note on Stanley’s file to ensure staff checked him more frequently. She was concerned that if Stanley had caught a cold and wasn’t eating well, he would be more at risk of developing a pressure area. She also included a note to make sure Stanley’s weight was checked regularly and a suggestion that the dietician may need to be contacted.

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